persistent dumping meaning in English
- The dumping in economic refers to selling goods abroad at a discriminated price than is charged for them in the home market , or at a price lower than the goods " marginal cost . as a measure of the international trade , dumping can be divided into many types such as sporadic dumping , predatory and persistent dumping . dumping in legislation is different to which in economic
如果以倾销商品在出口国国内市场销售价格是否低于其生产成本来划分,倾销可分为价格倾销与成本倾销两种;以价格歧视的形式来划分,倾销可分为产品倾销、汇率倾销及劳务倾销等;以倾销持续时间的长短来划分,倾销可分为突发性倾销、短期倾销及长期性倾销(或连续性倾销) 。